Melody Henderson

"Hope & Encouragement"


Melody Henderson is a singer of Christian music. She is a Floral Designer by occupation. When she isn’t singing, she spends time working in the garden, and creating beautiful crafts, paintings, drawings, plus gifts for family and friends. She currently resides in Northern Utah with her buddy cat, “Bueford”.  

She has been a singer in The Green Show for the Utah Shakespeare Festival in Cedar City, Utah. - Singing/Acting the part of ‘Yum Yum’ in “The Mikado” - ( a performer in many musicals ) - Carousel, Mame, Camelot , and many other Theatre Productions and Choirs in Utah - In her Band “Night Watch” Melody entertained many as a Lead singer and Back-up singer. Singing makes her happy and has enjoyed singing throughout her life. Melody has now created her CD -Hope And Encouragement“ - A Christian Music Recording of uplifting Hymns, Songs and Scripture to sweetly calm the soul.